Thursday, 28 February 2019
sageoftheages: One of the greatest annoyances in history is people who think the Sword Art Online...
One of the greatest annoyances in history is people who think the Sword Art Online anime is a one-for-one adaption of the Light Novel. Newsflash people, it isn’t.
For example, Diavel’s death in episode 2 has him reject Kirito’s potion and then die. In the novel, before Kirito can run to him with a potion, Diavel manages to say “Beat the…” and dies before he finishes.
And there’s A LOT of changes like that.
It’s even worse given that potions don’t even work like that. Doubling the confusion.
“Having grown up with SAO, sometimes I can’t help but...

“Having grown up with SAO, sometimes I can’t help but wonder how much of my love for it stems from starting to watch it during my teenage years. There’s so many critics spouting vitriol about it, I can’t help but think about it from time to time.”
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
nanaumi-in-the-closet: Lisbeth: Hey how many swords do u have Kirito: Sword of a lot Lisbeth:...
Lisbeth: Hey how many swords do u have
Kirito: Sword of a lot
Lisbeth: Blocked
Kirito: Parried
“The gang’s GGO designs are so good that it’s a...

“The gang’s GGO designs are so good that it’s a shame we only got to see them for a 5 minute section in the first episode. It makes me wish there was an OVA starring them in GGO just so I could look at them more.“
Tuesday, 26 February 2019
thefuckisabook: sourcedartonline: thefuckisabook: Can someone explain to light novel authors how...
Can someone explain to light novel authors how MMOs work? ‘in this MMO the only thing anyone can ever do in combat is hit thing with sword’. ‘in this mmo there are four classes- spear, sword, bow, and shield- noone ever uses the shield’. ‘There’s monstrous races with extreme advantages but equally extreme disadvantages, so they’re rarely played’.
Because if there’s one thing MMO players hate, it’s(in order), trying different classes with different specialities in combat, having dedicated players whose job it is to keep the rest of the party safe, and min-maxing.
Pretty sure Log Horizon is the only time a light novel has understood MMOs.
Despite the lack of magic, Sword art online is completely modeled after early Ultima Online. A game that had no classes but many individual skills that gave the player unlimited control over the build of their character. Allowing for builds that specialized in DPS, Tanking, support, scouting etc without having defined classes. This allowed a primarily DPS character like Kirito to also specialize in stealth skills. Something that greatly helped his survivability as a solo player.
So yes the Author did know how MMOs worked at least the ones he played back in 2001 when the story was written. If that doesn’t mesh with your modern MMO stylings, then yes read Log Horizon.
“despite the lack of magic…”
Ultima Online used magic to a huge degree to enable a variety of play styles. Saying it’s ‘based on Ultima Online’ while admitting it lacks a core mechanic of Ultima Online is admitting that yes, in fact, this MMO is lacking core mechanics. SAO’s Aincrad has no method of healing(outside those crystals that don’t always work, and aren’t a class option but an item), no (explored, I suppose) methods of drawing aggro, no ranged combat options, no AoE options, etc. The game is just ‘hit with sword’.
There’s no experimentation, no value in making “new builds”, because every character can max out every skill. It’s fucking Runescape, but with less mechanical complexity in combat.
The only thing it has going for it is its full scale VR allowing for perhaps the single best sword fighting simulator ever. Which is great! And when, six months down the line, someone else took that exact same technology and built an MMO with all the things Aincrad had plus bows, magic, and more complex options in combat, you’d have a really successful MMO.
Why do people that have zero knowledge of Sword Art Online always have to be like this. Just admit you have no idea how the actual mechanics of the game work or just not tag your post and we’d have been fine.
Whether or not Ultima used magic to grant variety to it’s play styles or not is irrelevant to the fact that it still used it’s skill based system to allow it’s diversity to work. Your complaint is “in this MMO all you can do is hit thing with a sword” which is false. Except for magic SAO has that same diversity that Ultima had.
If you wanted to complain about the SAO anime that’s fine. But don’t act like pretty much every complaint you just made is something that is a thing in the actual game of sword art online in the novels. There are multiple ways to heal other than crystals (which always work btw, you’re thinking of teleport crystals). All the relevant aggro drawing skills to create a normal MMO tank exist. Ranged weapons while rarer do exist. The sword skills themselves are pseudo-magic that create ranged attacks wide area attacks etc. You can create any common MMO class or combination of other than mages or healers.
“[This is something of a follow up to my confession from 3 and a...

“[This is something of a follow up to my confession from 3 and a half years ago (back when my url was thewaywardswagabond).] But I am extremely disappointed that the anime didn’t decide to have Kirito and Eugeo do finger guns when they say “Stay cool”.”
Submitted by kyzil.
Monday, 25 February 2019
“Back when I first read Alicization, I thought it was amazing,...

“Back when I first read Alicization, I thought it was amazing, but unfortunately it’d be too long to ever get an anime. [And if it ever did, we’d have to wait for a second part, because there was no way they would do a 4-cour season.] The fact that we’re legitimately receiving a 52-episode, year-long season still feels surreal to me, but I’m incredibly happy over it. [An entire year of SAO!]”
Sunday, 24 February 2019
thefuckisabook: Can someone explain to light novel authors how MMOs work? ‘in this MMO the only...
Can someone explain to light novel authors how MMOs work? ‘in this MMO the only thing anyone can ever do in combat is hit thing with sword’. ‘in this mmo there are four classes- spear, sword, bow, and shield- noone ever uses the shield’. ‘There’s monstrous races with extreme advantages but equally extreme disadvantages, so they’re rarely played’.
Because if there’s one thing MMO players hate, it’s(in order), trying different classes with different specialities in combat, having dedicated players whose job it is to keep the rest of the party safe, and min-maxing.
Pretty sure Log Horizon is the only time a light novel has understood MMOs.
Despite the lack of magic, Sword art online is completely modeled after early Ultima Online. A game that had no classes but many individual skills that gave the player unlimited control over the build of their character. Allowing for builds that specialized in DPS, Tanking, support, scouting etc without having defined classes. This allowed a primarily DPS character like Kirito to also specialize in stealth skills. Something that greatly helped his survivability as a solo player.
So yes the Author did know how MMOs worked at least the ones he played back in 2001 when the story was written. If that doesn’t mesh with your modern MMO stylings, then yes read Log Horizon.
I was watching Sword Art Online and I was wondering something. In SAO II, we know that Asada lives alone. But if she was 11 when she shot the guy who tried to rob the post office, and it’s been 5 years since that incident, that makes her 16 years old. Is it normal in Japan for a 16-year-old to be living on their own? Or was it just thrown in for the sake of the plot? A 16-year-old living alone baffles me since they’re still a minor and can’t legally sign a contract.
**Normally I wouldn’t be caught dead watching anime, but I was snowed in and bored and it was there.
It’s not a super common thing in Japan but it’s not super rare either. Japanese high school is super competitive and students often go to school a long way from home. Some high schools have actual dormitories, but other students rent small apartments that they basically use to sleep in when they’re not at school or club activities.
Sinon’s guardians, her grand parents live in a rural town.For her to go to school in Tokyo she pretty much has to have an apartment.
dreamfire:SAO: Alicization’s adaptation is such a trainwreck that even I of all people can’t stand...
SAO: Alicization’s adaptation is such a trainwreck that even I of all people can’t stand watching it. It painstakingly cuts out any good part of the Light Novel, and skims critical revelations about Underworld in two sentences.
Needless to say, I’ve dropped it. Even I can only handle so much.
Other than a few glaring omissions, this is the by far the best adapted SAO content has ever been.
I couldn’t disagree more.
Saturday, 23 February 2019
iceh34rt:Does anyone else think the animation in sao is off? It looks like they put all their time...
Does anyone else think the animation in sao is off? It looks like they put all their time into the background and not on the characters.
They changed the animation style after the movie. Also this is a 50 episode season, some episodes have more money in them than others. Episode 4 soaks up a ton of budget.
That and they’re trying to animate the backgrounds different than the other games to try to sell the idea that this is more “real” than the games.
Also shout out to the guy that views SAO as overrated and mainstream, but is watching toonami, a...
Also shout out to the guy that views SAO as overrated and mainstream, but is watching toonami, a block that almost exclusively shows mainstream anime.
Shout out to that one poor guy that clearly hates sword art online but has not figured out how to...
Shout out to that one poor guy that clearly hates sword art online but has not figured out how to not watch a show for half an hour on toonami.
I feel sorry for the guy.
Random guy on the internet screams about SAO: Gun Gale Alternative
Ok so, that was an anime. Was it good? Yeah. Was it GREAT? Haha, no. It’s SAO, what do you expect? I’m onna break this down a bit to make it simple and not spoil much. That being said, there may still be some, so proceed with caution.
Characters: (I’m not gonna do all of these, else this would be a hella long section) Let’s start off with the protaganist (Karen), because y'know…obviously. She was awesome and had just enough quirks to be really enjoyable. One of which, I find incredibly tasteful, and that’s her height. It doesn’t tie into the story too much, but I think it’s great they represented tall girls in anime/cartoons for once, because lets face it…tall girls have it REALLY tough in social circles for sure. She’s generally really shy and distances herself from others because of this trait, but as time goes on she really develops well and gorws a strong bond with certain smaller characters.
Next up we have ’M’. Yknow…I really liked this guy at first. Now obviously because of spoilers, I’m not gonna talk about alot of stuff here, but I will just say he was awesome and level-headed in game, but was a total psycho/creeper/weirdo outside of it, so he loses alot of points for that shit. And by alot, I mean he only gets a 2/10 now. And of course…Pitohui, ohh boy I have some choice words for this girl. Most of which are something along the lines of “F%^& you, you’re a lunatic and don’t deserve to walk among society” I know I didn’t wanna spoil much, so if you’re here and haven’t seen GGO:A, skip ahead. Spoilers HERE -> Pitohui is a sadist, and not you’re average ‘I kinda like making someone have a bad guy’ kind of sadist, we’re talking like, completely and utterly mentally ill. This made her easy to hate, which in turn makes her a very good villian. Her personality can easily be described as mentally unhinged, manipulative and creepy. If I ran a guild in a game, she’d get kicked out of my guild day 1. Spoilers END
Plot As with every iteration of SAO, it was pretty predictable and full of plot holes, but at the same time it laid it’s foundation and had lots of foreshadowing early on, which I really appreciate in any show. They introduced the characters well, and paced the beginning in a strange but very lovable way. The only thing that always REALLY bothers me with SAO though is how a total noob player in each game can always manage to spend a week with the game and beat the living $#%$ out of every Professional player in the whole game so effortlessly. More or less, you can chalk it up to what I like to call ‘Magic Anime Bullshit’, but I personally just hate that. The themes of the plot are pretty common across the rest of the series, namely betrayal, chaos and character building. However, the way these themes are implented is really unique in the SAO series and that’s a nice breath of fresh air. The resolution of everything was a bit disappointing, but again, this is SAO we’re talking about.
Art style and Tropes I feel like I don’t really need to talk about this, but it ties in alot with some of the stuff I wanna say at the end. Lolis. Why? Just…why? This is something I ask with almost every bullshit ‘randomly selected avatar’ in the series, as that system makes zero sense, but at this point, I feel like its just the writer forcing tropes into the anime through this apparent game mechanic in the story. Also, if that avatar type is so rare, how the hell did Miyu just HAPPEN to also get an avatar like this? It’s highly unlikely and the effect of the general style of the animation is not enough to compensate for this plot hole. General art and animation quality: Pretty good, not great by any means, but its not bad. I really like how characters looked in this one and M’s avatar was 100% badass, there’s not much else to say though, as most of it is just SAO with new characters.
Final Thoughts and Final Rating Now, I really like SAO but holy hell does it get really out of hand each time, there’s some stuff that’s just not ok, and alot of has to do with the Loli avatars that the MC’s had. Specifically, one part where a character described wanting to grope one of the MC’s avatars after said MC was defeated, which would leave the avatar in a compromised position. That s%#^ was not cool given the loli thing I mentioned previously, and then there was also a part shorlty after where a minor character basically traded ammo for a kiss from this loli avatar, that was whack and 100% uneccesary. I’m calling the cops on whoever writes the series. Also is it just me or are like…75% of the characters in SAO actually just psycho in some minor and major way? Like, we’ve had Laughing Coffin and all its members, Elizabeth, Kayaba, Kirito (somewhat), Creepy ALO Guy (forget his name, probably for the better) Sinon, Deathgun (player as well as Shinkawa), and now M and Pito. Alright this is getting too long now. SO lets get to the final verdict. Art and Animation: 7/10 Plot: 5/10 Characters: 8/10 Humor: 2/10 Suspense and Tension: 8/10 Special additions or deductions: Tall girl Rep (+2) References to SAO2 (+3) Awesome insane bad guy (+1) Universe Expansion (+3) Creepy Messed Up Stuff (-6) Polot holes (-2) Total Points: 31/50 Rank: B TLDR; It’s aight. You should watch it I guess. It wasn’t that good, but it wasn’t bad either. I am probably going to get shit for this.
I’ve never actually seen someone complain about Alternative before.
As with every iteration of SAO, it was pretty predictable and full of plot holes
Sword art online doesn’t have many plot holes. And most people that say it does have just missed something, something wasn’t fully explained in the anime etc. I never know, because absolutely no one that says SAO has plot holes ever mentions any.
The only thing that always REALLY bothers me with SAO though is how a total noob player in each game can always manage to spend a week with the game and beat the living $#%$ out of every Professional player in the whole game so effortlessly.
This has never happened in Sword Art Online. Certainly not in Alternative where the only person that’s even fought a professional player is Pitohui and she was eliminated from the BoB without even seeing her attacker. One of the top teams in Squad Jam is a middle school gymnastics team after all.
LLENN starts playing GGO in August and the squad jam is at the end of January.
The soldiers in episode one were only fighting at baseline human ability instead of using the game to it’s fullest so they don’t count either.
The resolution of everything was a bit disappointing, but again, this is SAO we’re talking about.
I ask with almost every bullshit 'randomly selected avatar’ in the series, as that system makes zero sense, but at this point, I feel like its just the writer forcing tropes into the anime through this apparent game mechanic in the story.
You can customize your characters for money. A system which requires micro transactions to give you anything other than a random character should make sense in 2019.
Also, if that avatar type is so rare, how the hell did Miyu just HAPPEN to also get an avatar like this?
While you’re obviously right the writer just wanted another loli type character Miyu has a lot of dive time which gives you a much higher chance to get a rare avatar type (see Kirito in GGO). Karen had to re-roll over and over and over.
Friday, 22 February 2019
sao-confessions:“I’m sad that it seems like Kirito is forgetting...

“I’m sad that it seems like Kirito is forgetting Asuna.”
This is why monologues are important. You don’t have to use them every episode.
But when we have a confession like this when Kirito should have been talking about how amazing Eugeo was the the previous episode and how he can’t wait to introduce him to Asuna and his other friends…
Put that shit in the anime!
“I’m sad that it seems like Kirito is forgetting Asuna.”

“I’m sad that it seems like Kirito is forgetting Asuna.”
Thursday, 21 February 2019
ringforcynthia:Random idea but would anyone be interested in a f/f ship week for sao? I feel like...
Random idea but would anyone be interested in a f/f ship week for sao? I feel like the fandoms dying out and we need something to keep it active.
Wednesday, 20 February 2019
Alice, about Kirito: I just thought he needed to listen to Common Sense and Reasonable Discourse.
Eugeo: Please tell me those aren’t the names of your fists.
Alice: My feet, actually. I'm more of a kicker.
“If a Sword Art Online: Progressive anime adaptation where to be...

“If a Sword Art Online: Progressive anime adaptation where to be made I think it would really benefit from adding elements from the manga adaptation.”
Tuesday, 19 February 2019
ochacouraracka replied to your post “You can always tell people that have never read Sword Art...
So you watched gigguk’s vid then too? Lmao
No someone just made a post with that exact phrasing in the tags.
You can always tell people that have never read Sword Art Online when they try to say SAO: Abridged...
You can always tell people that have never read Sword Art Online when they try to say SAO: Abridged has a better and more immersive story than the original.
ringforcynthia: broke: sao is a harem anime woke: kirito drinks respecting women juice and all the...
broke: sao is a harem anime
woke: kirito drinks respecting women juice and all the girls are lesbians