Monday, 17 December 2018

x-anime-love-x: Sao Alicization so far I finally caught up on SAO tonight. ***SPOILERS AHEAD*** So...


Sao Alicization so far

I finally caught up on SAO tonight. ***SPOILERS AHEAD***

So episode ten, wow. That was tense, they definitely went somewhere they have never gone before with this series in terms of both sexual violence and gore. It was a powerful episode for sure, definitely proved Kirito’s point of going against the law because sometimes its the right thing to do, took it really far though. Clearly they wanted it to be a disturbing yet pivotal scene.

What struck me most was that Eugeo was clearly really affected, but Kirito seemed completely fine. His face was calm, unreadable almost after basically killing someone. He was on the side of justice, but I can’t help but remember the Kazuto that cried in the hospital about killing the members of the Laughing Coffin. And now, nothing.

Moving on to episode 11, Kirito and Eugeo are committed to breaking the Taboo Index. It seems now that Eugeo has broken the index and taken that step, he can break it freely now. So that’s interesting. And now they’re going to fight that Integrity Knight with just chains, so good luck boys! Eugeo’s development is really great to watch, but Kirito, I’m a little lost on him at the moment. I don’t know what he’s thinking. I feel like I did in the flower scene previous, but he’s changed now in some way.

Anyhow, those are my immediate thoughts after watching the episodes. Excited to see what happens next!

Kirito’s breakdown in phantom bullet was because he killed those people in SAO in a fit of rage when he didn’t have to and then repressed those memories and forgot about them. The whole lesson that Kirito and Sinon learn in that arc is that they should focus on the people they saved not those that they killed.

Also the anime presents Kirito as very indifferent when in the original he’s trying to get rope off of the two girls to save Raios when he glitches out. And is just as shocked when he dies. The whole scene is also from Eugeo’s point of view so what kirito is thinking is supposed to be slightly unclear to him.


I think it might be because he(’s 99%) sure hes in the Soul Translator so maybe he is just accepting that that person wasn’t an actual live person like how it was in the original sao. Just my thought.

That would be completely out of character for him. As they make a point to focus on him defending NPCs in the original SAO. Also these are actual people.

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