Tuesday, 23 April 2019
thebenbot73: Sinon (GGO): (Edited Version) Hi, decided I wasn’t...

Sinon (GGO): (Edited Version)
Hi, decided I wasn’t finished with her yet and I’ve edited her slightly and believe that how she looks now it a lot better than the previous one I posted. As it’s a lot smoother and nicer.
Monday, 22 April 2019
Sword art online, season one (spoilers)
I don’t normally include spoilers, but I feel I should clarify my points here. For 90% of the show, I really enjoyed it, but there were several moments that dropped the show’s rating for me. So to start with Kirito as a character is pretty good, his power is justified for the most part and though he is rarely in trouble, the times he is are fairly tense. Now, the first of my problems came in episode 12 (spoiler ahead) when Yui is revealed as a program and the cardinal system deletes her. Kirito saves her with super hacking skills… and that right there is the problem, he’s never shown to be a hacker, nor is there any logical backup for this, the reason his fighting OPness doesn’t bother me lies in his time as a beta tester and his pre-knowledge of the best farming locations. But that’s it for my problems with the first half, the second half though (the Alfheim arc) is where I had the biggest problems, Kirito learning to fly without using his controller is fine, yes, there could’ve been more training with it, but why waste time when he can learn on the move furthering the plot. The cousin character is… fine, but the rampant ‘fanservice with her felt out of place for the series (with the only other times being Asuna when she thought she was going to get it on with Kirito and the obligatory boob grab incident earlier in the series). The next couple of incidents are similar in nature and are problems within the game world, that being the rapey scenes with Asuna, first with the hentai tentacle monster, the second with Sugou (the worst of the two), my problem isn’t necessarily that the element exists, it’s that this is the first introduction of it and is a blindside because of this element not being present earlier. For example, Goblin slayer throws the possibility of being raped and killed early on, the scenes by anime standards aren’t the worst, but it’s still harrowing to watch, SAO does this deep into the series and, perhaps, only for shock value. It also creates as a by-product the neutering of Asuna. She was always a fierce, tsundere-ish character, always willing to fight and not content to sit around and wait for rescue. In the second half, she’s given up and won’t fight back against Suguo as he creepily molests her, but she hasn’t lost her will to fight at all and is quite willing to escape until someone tries to stop her. I didn’t get why she didn’t jump over the side once escaping her cage,, she’s clearly clever and has a pair of wings to boot. Other than these pivotal gripes I did enjoy the series as a whole, Kirito’s growing harem of girls who don’t stand a chance are all really nice and when losing his friends you feel it. Clearly, the first half is better and I’m looking forward to SAO II as I really liked gun gale online. I have bitched a lot about SAO, but it’s still a show I’d recommend to watch.
First off if you enjoy SAO, I strongly recommend reading the light novels over the anime. Most questions or complaints can be solved by simply reading the source material.
1. There’s no hacking in SAO. Kirito uses an open GM console to save a file from one directory to another. Something that anyone can do. The speed in which he does so is questionable, but certainly not impossible.
2. The first half of the first season is also riddled with fanservice. The amount of ass shots is only outdone by the second seasons first half. The director was changed for the 3rd season and thankfully that type of pandering went away.
3. The series starts with the premise of mass kidnapping and murder in the first few episodes. The fact that it has darker themes should come at no surprise.
4. Asuna doesn’t give up. She’s stripped of the in game elements that made her physically strong. She can’t fight back. She still escapes under the threat of rape and memory wipe and engages her own rescue.
Asuna has no idea how to fly. She doesn’t have a regular avatar, and has no flight controller. She’s not even aware that she can fly and she certainly does not know if she can die in this game or not. Just jumping over the edge was not an option.
Sunday, 21 April 2019
Saturday, 20 April 2019
Friday, 19 April 2019
Thursday, 18 April 2019
Wednesday, 17 April 2019
Sword art online, season one (spoilers)
I don’t normally include spoilers, but I feel I should clarify my points here. For 90% of the show, I really enjoyed it, but there were several moments that dropped the show’s rating for me. So to start with Kirito as a character is pretty good, his power is justified for the most part and though he is rarely in trouble, the times he is are fairly tense. Now, the first of my problems came in episode 12 (spoiler ahead) when Yui is revealed as a program and the cardinal system deletes her. Kirito saves her with super hacking skills… and that right there is the problem, he’s never shown to be a hacker, nor is there any logical backup for this, the reason his fighting OPness doesn’t bother me lies in his time as a beta tester and his pre-knowledge of the best farming locations. But that’s it for my problems with the first half, the second half though (the Alfheim arc) is where I had the biggest problems, Kirito learning to fly without using his controller is fine, yes, there could’ve been more training with it, but why waste time when he can learn on the move furthering the plot. The cousin character is… fine, but the rampant ‘fanservice with her felt out of place for the series (with the only other times being Asuna when she thought she was going to get it on with Kirito and the obligatory boob grab incident earlier in the series). The next couple of incidents are similar in nature and are problems within the game world, that being the rapey scenes with Asuna, first with the hentai tentacle monster, the second with Sugou (the worst of the two), my problem isn’t necessarily that the element exists, it’s that this is the first introduction of it and is a blindside because of this element not being present earlier. For example, Goblin slayer throws the possibility of being raped and killed early on, the scenes by anime standards aren’t the worst, but it’s still harrowing to watch, SAO does this deep into the series and, perhaps, only for shock value. It also creates as a by-product the neutering of Asuna. She was always a fierce, tsundere-ish character, always willing to fight and not content to sit around and wait for rescue. In the second half, she’s given up and won’t fight back against Suguo as he creepily molests her, but she hasn’t lost her will to fight at all and is quite willing to escape until someone tries to stop her. I didn’t get why she didn’t jump over the side once escaping her cage,, she’s clearly clever and has a pair of wings to boot. Other than these pivotal gripes I did enjoy the series as a whole, Kirito’s growing harem of girls who don’t stand a chance are all really nice and when losing his friends you feel it. Clearly, the first half is better and I’m looking forward to SAO II as I really liked gun gale online. I have bitched a lot about SAO, but it’s still a show I’d recommend to watch.
First off if you enjoy SAO, I strongly recommend reading the light novels over the anime. Most questions or complaints can be solved by simply reading the source material.
1. There’s no hacking in SAO. Kirito uses an open GM console to save a file from one directory to another. Something that anyone can do. The speed in which he does so is questionable, but certainly not impossible.
2. The first half of the first season is also riddled with fanservice. The amount of ass shots is only outdone by the second seasons first half. The director was changed for the 3rd season and thankfully that type of pandering went away.
3. The series starts with the premise of mass kidnapping and murder in the first few episodes. The fact that it has darker themes should come at no surprise.
4. Asuna doesn’t give up. She’s stripped of the in game elements that made her physically strong. She can’t fight back. She still escapes under the threat of rape and memory wipe and engages her own rescue.
Asuna has no idea how to fly. She doesn’t have a regular avatar, and has no flight controller. She’s not even aware that she can fly and she certainly does not know if she can die in this game or not. Just jumping over the edge was not an option.