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“Shimarin (Yuru Camp) + Kanan (LL!SS) = Annaka Moe. Just saying. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
“Headcanon: Erika was Asuna’s original appearance in SAO before the mirror turned it off. [When she logged into ALO to make the account it detected the data and made Erika’s appearance for her Sylph.]”
Submitted by solaela.
“While listening Kanzaki Elsa song “Pilgrim” , I don’t know any japanese and i never read translation for that song. But Listening this makes me reminisce the happiest moments of my life. [No wonder Karen loves Elsa <3]″
I immediately want to see this showdown happen even though the team on the right are newcomers and I have no clue who the fuck they are.
The team on the right are Memento mori, the 3rd place finishers of the original Squad Jam. The one’s that fought on hovercraft that M took out by sniping without bullet lines.
who the fuck thought it was a good idea to release another FullDive game while over ten thousand people were still either dead or stuck in SAO
I’m surprised the government didn’t confiscate every Nerve Gear unit in the country
They do confiscate every Nervegear unit in the country. That’s why everyone uses the Amusphere afterwards. Like in real life, we don’t get rid of a technology if it’s unsafe, we just pass regulations and add safety features that make that technology safe. The Amusphere lacks the large battery that was capable of emitting a microwave pulse, and allows external stimuli to reach a player while they’re in fulldive. It also has several safety features designed to kick a player offline if their vitals fall out of normal range, and are connected to in home emergency devices like smoke alarms etc.
Oh of course Mother’s Basement thinks SAOA has better writing than the original despite all the world building and mechanics being written by Kawahara previously.
Color me shocked folks.
Thank you.
I really dislike people debating with erroneous information, whether it be anime or real life. And when it comes to SAO there is a lot of erroneous information.