Monday, 31 July 2017


So I finally finished volume 4 of progressive. I know I’m...

So I finally finished volume 4 of progressive. I know I’m super late on this, but so much real life has gotten in the way this year that I just now had time to read such a short novel.

Now that I’m caught up I’m not sure how Kawahara is going to be able to keep this going and still have it hit most of the plot notes of the original Aincrad stories. He’s written the world into a position where even though they’re not a guild he’s created a 3rd frontline group in Aincrad with Kirito and Asuna as a primary force.  He’s also advanced their relationship to the point already where there’s no way he can not put them togeher romantically unless something extreme happens to split them up.  Simiarly without the formation of a 3rd guild on the front lines there’s no way to keep the current balance without Kirito or Asuna assuming a leadership role. It’s far to early for the Knights of the Blood so I’m not sure how it’s going to develop.

I am continuing to love Aincrad getting actual lore with the story of how the floating castle was separated from the surface, and races it trapped there. The greater emphasis on the class builds, the expanded mechanics it just makes the world of SAO so much better. I hope one day Progressive gets an anime adaptation. So much adorable Kirto and Asuna in this volume too, to the point where I don’t want them to separate like they do in the original novel. Also just bring Lizbeth into the series already, you’ve mentioned a “female blacksmith” enough times now that it’s obvious. Bring Klein back already, it’s been long enough for his guild to work it’s way up to the front lines.

I can’t wait to see what the next volume brings, and I wish we got more than one volume a year.

It’s show time!






Sunday, 23 July 2017

missashleyng: Zekken



prizem: 閃光の剣士 |  きょくちょ@日曜東"レ"56b



justketerthings: Sword art online is maybe kinda pretty bad actually. I thought this was a kids...


Sword art online is maybe kinda pretty bad actually.
I thought this was a kids show. why would u put incest and creepy stuff into a show about kids playing videogames.

The premise of the show is kidnapping and murder. The show later deals with ptsd and other dark themes.

Maybe you let the bright colors confuse you?

